The Little Farm Barn and Tavern Will Soon Debut in Eastsound

The Little Farm will be on the Garden Club’s upcoming Garden Tour on June 29th and 30th.
The Little Farm Barn and Tavern Will Soon Debut in Eastsound
Photo: @littlefarmorcas on Instagram

According to a recent permit filing, The Little Farm will soon debut in Eastsound at 325 Olga Road.

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“Once our tavern liquor license is approved (July 5th) we will open The Little Farm Barn and Tavern for wine tasting (local and beyond wines). Our opening date is scheduled for July 13th with wine pours from 1-5. The regular wine tasting schedule is Tuesday through Sunday 1-5,” owner and operator Carol Wetzel told What Now Seattle.

“We will serve cheese and crackers and various other nibbles but because we will only be licensed as a tavern, we won’t have a kitchen or prepared foods beyond nibbles. We opened our boutique nursery and farm stand on April 12th.”

“You pick flowers began shortly after as we had tulips, anemones, iris, hellebores, and more which are now followed by roses and other perennials and annual flowers.  Our stand is winding down the boutique nursery but we offer an array of farm-fresh bouquets, eggs, deck pots, and hanging baskets.”

“July 13th we will host our first workshop with Cindy Morgan: Flower Crowns and then Saturday Meadow Bouquet Making and Wednesday Evening Wine and Flower Living Jewelry workshops.”

“Our website has our story written up, which you can reference on the home page.  In the end, Allan and I started with a permaculture focus because we wanted to turn the fallow hay field in front of our house into an oasis for birds and native bees.  I have always been a gardener, transforming many of my homes into an oasis for birds and bees.”

“When we moved to Orcas Island, I took Floret’s online flower farm course and pivoted our farm project towards nurturing a flower farm.  But we still employ permaculture practices, building our soil with compost tea, azomite, and we started this whole project with Geddis from Inn at Shipbay’s Mangalista pigs. “

“We have two orchards, one of which is a very special heirloom apple cider orchard, an extensive berry patch – many of which originate from Ukraine, we have five wine grapes growing on terraces, over 200+ English lavenders and a beautiful distiller, table grapes and hardy and fuzzy kiwi. “

“We are, Out of Our Bloomin’ Minds here with this project but in a very short time we have achieved what we hoped to achieve and that’s Cultivating Island Beauty that brings great joy and hugs from folks from all walks of life and places who just revel in the beauty we have created.”

Madison Ballinger

Madison Ballinger

Madison Ballinger is a writer, editor, and marketing collaborator with experience ranging from grant writing, screenwriting, SEO, content writing, and more. She graduated from Portland State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in English, with multiple honors accreditations as a first-generation college student. You can find her in a local thrift shop or plant store, creating music, or going to one of her favorite band’s concerts when she is not behind the keyboard furiously typing away.
Madison Ballinger

Madison Ballinger

Madison Ballinger is a writer, editor, and marketing collaborator with experience ranging from grant writing, screenwriting, SEO, content writing, and more. She graduated from Portland State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in English, with multiple honors accreditations as a first-generation college student. You can find her in a local thrift shop or plant store, creating music, or going to one of her favorite band’s concerts when she is not behind the keyboard furiously typing away.

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