According to a recent permit filing, Juanita Cantina and Grill will open in Kirkland, located at 9714 NE Juanita Drive #2.
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A representative of Juanita Cantina and Grill was not immediately available for commentary upon What Now Seattle’s request.
While an official opening date and Juanita’s offerings have yet to be confirmed, a cantina and grill is typically a restaurant space where traditional flavors and contemporary innovations coalesce.
From the sizzle of grilled meats to the wafting aromas of freshly prepared salsas, every dish traditionally aims to reflect a deep-rooted passion for Mexican cuisine. Authenticity is usually described as being paramount, with each recipe paying homage to time-honored traditions.
When doing a bit more research, according to the permit filing, Juanita Cantina and Grill will be opening under Roc-Sal 2 Enterprises INC. According to Bizapedia, Roc-Sal was filed for in September of this year, with the agent for both the permit filing for Juanita and Roc-Sal being Rocio Salcedo.
For the space, Commercial Exchange reports that the property is a mixed-used retail property with approximately 9,000 square footage. Redfin adds that the property is off the market and resides on vacant land. Juanita’s will be conveniently located near Juanita Beach Park.